Thanks, Len... I love researching, haha!
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Watchtower’s 53 Date Failures -- Prophetic Declarations Quietly Abandoned
by FatFreek 2005 inbelow is a paste of the front of my recent essay.
ask most jws today and they'll tell you that, yes, watchtower has made a few mistakes -- that there are a couple date failures -- 1925 -- and maybe another one they can't even remember.. lest they forget, the following should jog their collective memories as to how egregious watchtower has been in their obsession with date predictions (oh, but we don't make predictions, they may tell you) over the 138 years of watchtower history.. len miller.
Day 2 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Thomas Jefferson Jr takes the stand in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by darkspilver inday two (wednesday 8 february 2017).
see also posts and threads regarding: pre-trial / day one / day one update / day five (last day, settlement).
jefferson: not totally.. zeff: okay.
cha ching
Thank you John Redwood!
Thank you for the hours of your time that you spent documenting what happened, for the hours you spent reading the court docs, for interviewing the jurors and giving us insight into how they felt...
I thought, that because of the settlement, we might never know what kind of a conclusion the jurors would have come to.
Thank you again, for all of your hard work. We appreciate it!
The sly tactics the elders are using to malign my name!
by stuckinarut2 ini have had it confirmed now, that since stopping attending over 18 months ago, the elders have set out to deliberately ruin my name and character .. they have been talking to every witness from the local area and saying things like "be careful of him, he has the ability to implant thoughts in your minds, and he only pretends to be kind and caring".
so, all i have to say to them is, "bravo!
if that is the method you want to employ, you have reached the very depths of bad behaviour!".
cha ching
So sorry, stuckinarut2.... It is maddening that after all your years of being nice, helping people, being known as someone reasonable, that the elders do the very thing they would DF someone for... "slander"
However, this proves they are "united." The same thing happened to our family.
Meanwhile, back to the real life.... it hurts... People who "knew" you are easily persuaded to fear you.
Want to get rid of a threat? Slander them. Best thing we can do? Act normal, smile, say "hi" and move on so that what the elders say has no basis. My husband does, and that works well.
We can only hope the crack in the "wall" widens, and more escape.
Regards, cha ching
In Your Opinion Do Today's Elders Recognize That The Religion Is BS?
by minimus ini always wondered that while i was in especially when i was an elder.
i recognize that some people,elders included are brain-dead.
but do you think that the average older today knows it's all nonsense?
cha ching
I was an elder's wife.... I did not think of myself as "special" because of it. Personally, I did not enjoy the long hours my husband spent helping others, instead of "us"... or sitting at the K Hall, waiting for the committee meetings to end, with two little kids whinining, sleeping, waiting to go to bed.
I did like that my husband was 'spiritual', we both could 'explain' all the doctrines (haha, I mean we thought we could... remember 'type/ anti-type'? the heads of the beast? 2,520? times time and half a time [hated that one, still lived with it] , neither of us like hypocrisy, we helped people, were 'real'....
That being said, I am glad that he is no longer an elder, no longer a JW and we are both out. Like I said, we both hate hypocrisy.
The elders left in the hall that we left, years ago, are either:
1. Dedicated to God, but scared to think of any reality checks that would crush their bubble of life.
2. Just in a routine.....
3. Know something is wrong, but are hoping to see a dead loved one, and don't want to give that chance up... OR
4. Very into being "the top dog", wearing cool suits, telling people what to do, being admired, and getting letters from the top brass.
cha ching
"Free" will? No, this is a choice with a price to pay.
cha ching
In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress (discomfort) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, when performing an action that contradicts those beliefs, ideas, and values; or when confronted with new information that contradicts existing beliefs, ideas, and values.[1][2]
Day 1 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Opening Statements and Motions in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by AndersonsInfo innews bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
cha ching
It's actually "good" that they are saying that she lied.
That means they knew about it.
If you hear an "allegation" you are suppose to report it, let the police "investigate" it. Does the law say "If you think it is a lie, don't report it"?
If it is proven that she was molested, then "they knew about it" and 'the WT & elders should have reported it'.
Spiritual paradise or proverbial straitjacket?
by UnshackleTheChains innoas a current or past jehovah's witness, do you / or did you feel part of a spiritual paradise with full liberty in christ as the watchtower society/organisation describes?.
or do you / did you feel you were wearing a proverbial straitjacket in the sense you feel / felt restricted and controlled by the watchtower society / organisation?.
cha ching
You know, UnshackleTheChains, that is a good question.... One I wish I had asked myself years agol
In fact, unless the GB or WT or "The Society" had told me I was in a spiritual paradise, I never would have described it that way. I would not be sitting on the back porch dreaming "ahhhh, I am in a spiritual paradise"
I was a child in the 50's, going to looooooong meetings three times a week, going door to door, no holidays, long drives (8 hours?) to long conventions (8 days) that lasted from 9 in the morning to 9 at night, sitting in rain, fog, and hot sun (getting hives from it)
Paradise? no Spiritual paradise? Give me a break, just read some of those long winded WT's and "Book Study Books" with literal/ and type/anti-type explanations. Ahhhh!
Friends? nope, not too many. Mostly "March, march march." It was very difficult during high school to keep up with the meeting regime and homework.
Did I have fun? hmmm!? Sometimes, but mostly "Watch what you wear, don't wear too much make up, don't wear your hear like that, don't run into the convention, make sure you....... "
Yep..... it definitely was a straight jacket. Not really a 'spiritual paradise' at all.
Stephanie Fessler v Watch Tower - Trial on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017 in Pennsylvania
by AndersonsInfo in
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
cha ching
The trial was suppose to start today Tuesday, 2/7/17) at 11 am, does anyone have any updates?
Sometimes I think the WT is mocking the masses
by NikL inas in today's study.... 18 to lie is to say something untruthful.
(as in millions now living will never die, this generation will by no means pass away, allegations of pedophile abuse of children in congregations is apostate lies) however, jehovah wants his people to go beyond not telling outright lies.
he urged the ancient israelites: “you should be holy, because i, jehovah your god, am holy.” then he gave examples of being holy.
cha ching
As I just commented on the "one drop of poison in a glass of water" post just a few seconds ago....
Wt like to be the FIRST one to say something (before they can be accused) so that they can childishly say, "We said it first, so we are the right ones"
Their hypocrisy and audacity is maddening.